Animated film.08:50
The film concept revolves around a world torn apart by war and the journey of an empty Doll.
The Doll lives in the reality that she is afraid to perceive and escapes to the realm of the dead. On the journey, the Doll is accompanied by souls. As the Doll journeys to the realm of the dead, she is forced to confront the fears she sought to escape.
The escape to the realm of the dead serves as a metaphor for the search for meaning in a world torn apart by conflict. The film explores the themes of escapism and identity in the face of war and adversity. The film asks what it means to be human and the cost of running away from reality.

The Doll's journey is an attempt to connect the mind and feelings. The empty Doll is looking for the strength to overcome the horror of the time.

This film is a transition from my previous movie #NoWar to the following.
Shows and Exhibitions
  • SMCK On Reel 2023. Short film video festival Civilization Rebooted during SchmuckExhibition week. Munich, Germany
  • Group Exhibition Flaming July in the Antizona space. Tbilisi, Georgia.
  • Huddersfield Experimental Short Film Screening at Electric Spring Festival at Phipps Hall at the University of Huddersfield. Huddersfield, United Kingdom
  • "Women's Face of Protest". Charity event. Tbilisi, Georgia.